Our Books

In The Life Of Kyle

To my dearest Kyle I give you this book and hopefully you are now in heaven will find a way to feel your life there and hopefully you will see down on Earth that we still care about you and love you dearly and trying to away of you being still part of our lives down here we cherish your days and holidays...

My Poetry Babe

This book is a little bit exotic and erotic I hope you enjoy it and be able to read the other books as well I have another book coming up called they called me Frenchy. I was born in Texas but mostly raised in Lakewood Washington enjoyed writing at age 10 in a tree house across the street my mother also help me spell

Kiss Me Hard

And I'm writing poetry about it and the poems of my son's life at a young adult age so I hope you understand it and feel free to read it over again just to make sure you have it understood my son's life was stopped from the age of 24 to the age of 27 he had to start all over again in his life...

The World Around Me

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The Author

Shawn Jackson is a famous poet back in 2004 and in 2008, she’s also written many books and try to get them published. She also wrote the book The World Around Me with Songs and Poetry by Shawn Jones. This is when she was married she has tried to be the best she can and writing her poetry and stories and songs about their life around her with her family included and friends.
She’s now making it through the world slowly but surely, as an outstanding poet, there will be soon other books coming out. I hope you will look for them and read them and enjoy them thank you.


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